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The ADAI Clearinghouse is a resource center serving the residents of Washington state. We provide free materials from SAMHSA, NIDA, NIAAA, the Washington Department of Health and other federal, state, and community agencies, as well as materials produced by the Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI).

NOTE: Print materials can only be shipped within Washington State.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.


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WA State Tobacco Quitline Materials

Keep What Matters Safe from Vapes poster

Quitting smoking, vaping, or other commercial tobacco use is hard because the nicotine in these products is extremely addictive. However, the more times you try to quit, the more likely you will quit for good on your next try!

You can get FREE quit support via the Washington State Quitline and FIND YOUR FREEDOM from nicotine!

Find rack cards, wallet cards, and factsheets advertising the Quitline here. (WA State residents only)


Looking for 988 Materials?

The ADAI Clearinghouse doesn't carry any of SAMHSA's 988 materials because we can't get enough in bulk to offer them to others. HOWEVER! You can order them yourself FOR FREE directly from SAMHSA!

Find stickers, wallet cards, magnets, pads, posters, and more here!




Subscribe to our monthly newsletter, the ADAI Bulletin

Get updates on new resources, upcoming events or webinars, and more!

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Supported by the Northwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas, Washington Dept. of Health, and the Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI), University of Washington
Updated 8/2024  |   http://adaiclearinghouse.net/  |   Privacy  |   Terms